MEMORANDUM August 28, 1963 Memorandum To: Messrs. A. L. Williams T. V. Learson H. W. Miller, Jr. E. R. Piore O. M. Scott M. B. Smith A. K. Watson Last week CDC had a press conference during which they officially announced their 6600 system. I understand that in the laboratory developing this system there are only 34 people, "including the janitor." Of these, 14 are engineers and 4 are programmers, and only one person has a PhD., a relatively junior programmer. To the outsider, the laboratory appeared to be cost concious, hard working, and highly motivated. Contrasting this modest effort with our own vast development activities, I fail to understand why we have lost our industry leadership by letting someone else offer the world's most powerful computer. At Jenny Lake, I think top priority should be given to a discussionas to what we are doing wrong and how we should go about changing it immediately. T. J. Watson, Jr. TJW,Jr:jmc cc: Mr. W. B. McWhirter Reproduced from _A_Few_Good_Men _from_ Univac_, by David E. Lundstrom (MIT Press, 1987)